AI autocorrect for runtime errors

Kropply fixes logic, package, and unit-level bugs in your codebase once you run code.

Join developers from leading companies who trust Kropply

Why Us?

Powerful, self-serve product and growth analytics to help you convert, engage, and retain more users. Trusted by over 4,000 startups.

Innovative Environment
Join a team that fosters innovation and creativity, providing an environment where your ideas are valued.
Professional Growth
Experience continuous professional growth with access to learning resources, skill-building workshops.
Collaborative Culture
Be part of a collaborative culture that values teamwork and open communication.
Flexible Work Environment
Enjoy a flexible work environment that respects work-life balance. We understand the importance of flexibility.
Cutting-edge Technology
Work with the latest and most advanced technologies in the coding and development space as a member of our team.
Impactful Projects
Contribute to projects that make a real impact. Our team takes on exciting challenges that push the boundaries.

Our Exceptional Team

Get to know the dynamic minds driving the vision at Glossy CodeCraft. Our team is a blend of diverse talents, each bringing unique expertise to the table.

Panos Halios CEO
Marcus Lewis COO
Andrew Demirdjian CMO
"I spent less time online copy-pasting error messages and code. Coding was fun again"
Mohammed Hayat
Co-Founder & CTO,
"Flow and more flow. I can focus on building and stop worrying about errors."
Petar Vasilev
Senior Software Engineer, FlutterBit
"I can fix the implementation 2x faster based on the suggestions."
Jason Yin
Software Engineer, Virgin Money
"Fixing off-by one errors is a thing of the past"
Claudia Gusti
Data Scientist, Telesign
"TDD with Kropply helps me ship product quicker"
Mike Megally
Principal Software Engineer, TechEmpower

Frequently asked questions

Does it work best for front-end or back-end engineers?
If you write unit-test with Jest then it works for you! It doesn’t matter if you are testing a React app or a Node.js app. As long as you have Jest set up correctly.
What language does it work with?
It works with TypeScript. Let us know if you would like to see Kropply developed for another programming language. Email us
Is Kropply open source?
Currently only the documentation of Kropply is open-sourced. We are currently discussing internal on what exactly we should open-source.You can find the documentation and contribute here:
How does it work, does it use AI?
We focus on being context-aware. We built the CPE engine which highly focuses on the code that you have available. We use all the latest AI technologies.
How is Kropply different?
Kropply is an Autocorrect. We understand how frustrating bug finding and fixing is. Runtime errors are the worst and thus we want you to not have to worry about them and focus on building the cool tech that you envision.
Does it work with every IDE?
Currently we support VS Code.
What's the best use case for Kropply?
If you encounter runtime errors that you quickly want to fix without having to think about the problem.Check out the documentation on exactly how to get started.
Still have questions?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please chat with our friendly team.

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Embark on a transformative journey of coding excellence with Kropply.

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